(歐洲) 德國法蘭克福city tour 中文語音導覽(成人26歐 未滿6歲免費)
Motorised City Tours
For individuals and small groups
Available in fourteen languages:
Arabic, Chinese, German, English, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish
Enjoy scenic Frankfurt during our motorised city tour accompanied by a Frankfurt tour guide. Become acquainted with the famous skyline, the banking district, the museum embankment, Old-Sachsenhausen, St. Paul’s Church and much much more. All tours include a walk across the historical Römerberg (Frankfurt beautiful old town centre) and a visit of the Goethe House (birthplace of the famous author and poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe) or of the spectacular platform of the Main Tower (during the summer season only, at 14.15 h.), from where guests are presented with a fascinating bird’s eye view of Frankfurt. Additional one-and-a-half hour motorised evening tours without inside viewings are seasonal available.
Two-and-a-half hours
Summer programme April-October:
Mon.-Sun.: Tours are held twice a day at 10.15 h. and 14.15 h.
starting at Tourist Information Office Main Train Station.
Pick-up service at 10.00 h. and 14.00 h.
at Tourist Information Office Römer.
Winter programme November-March:
Mon.-Sun.: Tour is held once a day at 14.15 h.
starting at Tourist Information Office Main Train Station.
Pick-up service at 14.00 h.
at Tourist Information Office Römer.
Sat.+ Sun.: Additional city tours at 10.15 h.
starting at Tourist Information Office Main Train Station.
Pick-up service st 10.00 h.
at Tourist Information Office Römer
Price per person:
EUR 26,00* Adults
EUR 21,00 Reduced for students, senior citizens and handicapped persons
EUR 10,00 Children between the ages of 6-12 years
EUR 60,00 Family Ticket for 2 adults and max. 3 children
*25% discount for Frankfurt-Card holders.
Bus Tickets
Tickets and Voucher are available at the Tourist Information Office Römer and Main Train Station.
Sightseeing Tour Tickets are available in Frankfurt’s Tourist Information Offices.
Tourist Information Roemer
Roemerberg 27
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Tourist Information Hauptbahnhof
Main Train Station Reception Hall
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Further Information:
Tel. +49 (0) 69/21 23 89 53
Fax +49 (0) 69/21 23 82 43
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(歐洲) 德國法蘭克福city tour 中文語音導覽(成人26歐 未滿6歲免費)
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