(歐洲) 德國 法蘭克福市區觀光一日行程建議
怡東酒店住宿推薦:(歐洲) 德國法蘭克福住宿推薦 怡東酒店 (Excelsior Hotel)
(歐洲) 德國萊茵河畔知名景點-St.Goar聖高爾(小城故事多)
(歐洲) 德國法蘭克福也有outlet-Wertheim Village
(歐洲) 德國法蘭克福Frankfurt 羅馬人廣場Romer plaza
大教堂全名是Dom St. Bartholomaus,為一棟哥德式建築,有95米高的鐘樓是法蘭克福最高的教堂。由羅馬廣場東側穿過半木造市民住宅,可以看到法蘭克福大教堂,建築風格是13至15世紀的哥德式建物。每年的4月~8月尖塔開放給一般大眾,可登高俯瞰街景,大教堂博物館裡收藏有1350年的歌德式禮袍與1720年度金的閃光聖誕禮盒。大教堂的歷史可追溯到西元852年。從1562年到1792年間共有十位皇帝在此加冕,又稱為「皇帝大教堂」(Kaiserdom)。
U4、U5在DOM下車,11/12路面軌電車到市政廳下車 (Römer,羅馬人廣場站)
Frankfurt on Foot Walking Tours
– The Roemer and the Roemerplatz. City Hall since 1405 and the town square.
– Book Burning Memorial, site of the nazi book burning
– Alt Nikolai Church, beautiful Gothic simplicity
– House Wertheim, the inner city’s only original half-timbered house left at the end of World War II, we tell you how it was saved and why.
– Eisener Steg, a pedestrian bridge over the Main river, offering a great view of the skyline and the many museums lining the riverbanks.
– St. Bartholomew, better known as the Kaiserdom, Imperial Cathedral chosen as the site for Coronations and Elections of the Holy Roman Emperor for centuries
– Archaeological ruins – we walk though the Roman and palace wall ruins, dating from 70 A.D. to 850 A.D.
– Jörge Ratgeb Wall Paintings in the Karmeliter Cloister, the largest religious wall paintings north of the Alps, painted in the early 1500’s.
– Stumble Stones, or in German, Stolper Steine. We show you this unique way of remembering many of the victims who lost their lives due to the nazi regime.
– Jewish Holocaust Memorial Wall, we visit this very personal Memorial that the city of Frankfurt has chosen to honor the memory of the over 12,000 Jewish citizens of Frankfurt who were sacrificed during World War II. Anne, Margot, and Edith Frank are included on this wall of remembrance.
– Medieval Jewish Cemetery, one of the oldest and largest Jewish cemeteries in Germany
– Jewish Ghetto Wall, Once part of the city defenses, it later became one of the walls that surrounded the Jewish ghetto.
– Klein Markt Halle, A favorite on the tour, this is a wonderful produce hall, filled with fruits, vegetables, chocolate, pastries, cheeses, breads, meats and fish, and delicacies from around the world. (not on Sundays and holidays)
– Hauptwache, historic Frankfur landmark
– Bull and Bear and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange
– Thurn and Taxis Palace, newly reconstructed, and a lovely example of architecture from the 1700’s.
– Eschenheimer Turm, original guard tower, part of the city defensive walls
– Alte Oper, one of the classic opera houses in Europe, once known as the most beautiful ruin in Germany
– Goethe House, we view the house where Goethe was born, along with telling you just why he is Frankfurt’s favorite son.
– Paulskirche, the location of the first parliament of Germany in 1848.
(歐洲) 德國 Fussen 新舊天鵝堡 (迪士尼城堡的原型) (含交通方式解說)(UDN 003)
(歐洲) 德國法蘭克福Frankfurt 羅馬人廣場Romer plaza
(歐洲) 德國斯圖加特Stuttart 汽車工業重鎮也可以很溫柔
(歐洲) 德國萊茵河畔知名景點-St.Goar聖高爾(小城故事多)
(歐洲) 德國法蘭克福 巧遇啤酒車BierBike(邊喝酒邊踩腳踏車,你沒看過吧!)(UDN 002)
(歐洲) 德國法蘭克福city tour 中文語音導覽(成人26歐 未滿6歲免費)
(歐洲) 德國必買 推薦購物清單 (歐洲) 購物情報 德國瘋狂夏季折扣戰開打!!(現在買機票還來得及)
(歐洲) 德國慕尼黑美食推薦 PIPASA <-C/P值破表的好餐廳
(歐洲) 德國 國王湖Königssee 如詩如畫的人間仙境
(歐洲) 德國 Günzburg Legoland Deutschland Discovery Country 樂高探索樂園
(歐洲) 德國斯圖加特 Mercedes-Benz賓士博物館-見證全世界第一台汽車的發明!
(歐洲) 德國法蘭克福也有outlet-Wertheim Village
(歐洲) 德國法蘭克福住宿推薦 怡東酒店 (Excelsior Hotel)
版主回覆:(03/03/2015 03:22:49 AM)
Good and impressive